Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Fly By Pooping?

Our new dining room is more or less like a sun room, in other words surrounded by windows.
   The other day while feeding Luke I noticed this...

I was pretty annoyed when I first saw this "fly by" on what I assumed was the outside of the window. The only way to clean these windows are to set up a ladder on uneven ground, so trust me I was not to happy.
Then today while vacuuming/moping I realized that what I assumed was poop was somehow only peanut butter! And boy was I happy and rather amused! I can only imagine how it got there to begin with! 

And so, today I am Thankful for Peanut Butter....


At the park

Mr. Smile's!


1 comment:

  1. Boo for poop. Yay for peanut butter! (ha, you should totally have a t-shirt that says that) Your boys are SOOOOOOO CUUUUUUTE!!! We must do a photo shoot. SOON.
